This edition took my thinking in two directions. First, something I used to discuss with our students at WHINSEC. I would open the discussion with the statement “The US is secret police state.” This would always bring comments by the students about how they don’t see armed guards at the grocery stores, security ride alongs with Coca-Cola trucks, and military personnel who don’t even have their weapons unless going to a target range, etc. I would then ask the students to look around as they walk around Columbus or drive down to Disney with their families. Notice the levels of police. The Columbus Police, the County Sheriff, CSU police and even MCSD police when they drop their kids off at school. Add the civilian police on Benning (Moore), the military police, the GBI, the GA Highway Pateol jackboots, etc. that is just Columbus and GA, it is duplicated in every town as well as AL and FL. Then we have the federal level as well. I would discuss the city budget and show how we put the money toward “security.” It would open their eyes and they would become aware of their environment much more as well was see that the city and state government to the resident (not citizen) is much more important than the federal government concerning their everyday lives. The second direction happened when you discussed the constitution again. We need to protect what is worth protecting which are the first two strategic imperatives of the document. Once those are gone, then there is nothing worth defending. Territory besides. Many people in national defense don’t understand what they are defending and many times they strike a praetorian viewpoint as to the role of the military protecting the government, not the people (all the people and all the ideas and worldviews — liberty) who make the US what IS worth defending. This philosophical concept would get the students really roiled as they come from societies where the military is viewed as the arbitrator of the constitution and can legally step in if something unconstitutional is being perpetrated. Keep up the fire.!

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well id did that Paula is too close to too much good whine, So wft happened to all the Paul Maison Madeira?

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OK guys this could lead to a very useful set of outcomes if enough useful people read it. Politicians genera;;y look for the lowest common denominator answer to everything so they don't usually look for the best answer. The five precepts laid out above are indeed a most useful roadmap. I personally think they could be used to re-establish the social contract which the top 5 per cent have destroyed with their single commandment the only thing which matters is thy 401K or money which ever works bes.t So send this to Tim Kaine's communications director if you can find he/she/it. Best tp

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