Happy…. I ‘m happy to see this posting as I thought I got dropped from your email listing! I can understand your conundrum concerning editing and posting timely pieces. When I was in charge of the Translation Department (12 self taught but experienced translators and interpreters) I had constant conflict between their desire for quality and mine for quantity. After a couple of years and upgrading to TRADOS software, we came to a.balance and the arguments over nuanced words and meanings fell away as the software provided routine phrases and a standardized dictionary at an instant. A couple still wanted to believe they were translating documents used for international treaties where words do have an impact, not army manuals and lesson plans used by folks with an average 8th grade education and preferred learning by doing, not reading. But, we overcame! You will too!

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Thanks Joseph. It was so much easier when we just had a few friends following us…..now…well, as I said, I fret too much. But that’s also a New Year’s resolution..”Don’t worry—-be happy.” Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year-and thanks for your comments! Best regards, Paula

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Yes, please do a podcast! I’d enjoy it of course, plus it might get my dad started on podcasts since he so enjoys hearing your wisdom, dear professor. ❤️

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You are too kind. And darn it, you're just encouraging John!!! :-)

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